Adopting A Dog!- Get Inspired With This Short Film “Take Me Home”

“TAKE ME HOME” feature a lonely shelter dog waiting to be adopted

This short film tells the story of a lonely shelter dog who does everything in his power to get the attention of a big-eyed girl so that she will adopt him and take him home. If you are thinking of adopting a dog, watch the video

The story might inspire you to adopt a dog right now.

It’s strange how a cute ball of fur can make your life so easy and beaming with happiness.  Other than that, dogs also teach you the art of selfless love, which no animal can.

See Also: A clever idea “how to adopt a dog” from this Brazilian pet shop – Watch reaction of customers

The beautiful bond between an owner and his dog only strengthens with time. Do you think the little dog tactics are so adorable that all I can say was Wow!

Adoption Tips: Please give a smiling dog a chance! Some dogs will actually smile because they’re happy to see you. Among adoption experts, these friendly overtures are know as “submission grins” and considered a sure sign of a sweet dog.

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