An Awesome Weight Loss Motivation Story! – How This Man Adopted A Shelter Dog And Loss 140 Pound

This weight loss motivation story will definitely inspire you 

If you ‘re thinking of improving your health and well-being, this is one weight loss motivation story you must read. Get inspired by this weight loss success stories shared by our visitors.

Eric O’Grey working as a salesman was told by his doctor he only had five years left to live in 2010.

He had type-2 diabetes, weighed 340 pounds and medications cost him over $1,000 a month. He was withdrawn from society and “felt really uncomfortable around other people,“ he said in the video below produced by Humane Society Silicon Valley.

He lost interest in everything in his life and  had just “stopped living.”

After a flight was delayed because the airline attendant couldn’t get him in the seat belt extensions, O’Grey decided to make a change.  He decided to adopted a dog to help him over his weight problem.

O’Grey went to his local shelter in San Jose, California. He said he specifically asked for an obese, middle-aged dog so that they could have something in common.

He ended up with Peety. The dog forced him to go outside and become more involved in society. He started off by walking the dog everyday for half an hour. Over the year O’Grey lost 140 pounds, while Peety lost 25.

“We really have formed an inseparable bond and one that I’ve never really experienced with another animal or anybody,” he said in the film about the dog.

Peety also motivated him to continue his healthy habits. “He looked at me like I was the best person on the planet, and I wanted to become the person he thought I was,” he said.

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O’Grey said he no longer has Type 2 diabetes and that Peety taught him “absolute loyalty” and gave him “unconditional love.”

“The entire process brought me out of my shell and made me a different person,” he said.

Peety also had a transformation. He was once a dog that no one played with, suffered from arthritis, and rashes. Through O’Grey, Peety became a proud dog.

Peety passed away six months before the short film was made. “I loved him so much,” said O’Grey fighting back tears. By creating this video Eric hope to share his story, in the hopes that they feel inspired!

He said he is still not over the death of Peety, but he now has a new dog, Jake, who is now his running buddy. When the film was made they were both training for an upcoming half marathon.

The Mutual Rescue initiative lets people with stories like O’Grey’s share their experiences through their contest. The winning story will get made into a short film, like the one produced about O’Grey and Peety.

See Also: Heartbroken man takes rescue dog on 10-year motorbike adventure after losing mother and only son

“It’s really about the transformation and the impact that animals can have on our lives,” said Carol Novello, president of HSSV.

According to the Center for Disease Control, pets can help fight against high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and loneliness, and they also increases opportunities to exercise and socialize with other humans.

When you’re working on weight loss, it can help to have a little inspiration from this story.