10 Best Dog Breeds You Can Adopt As Your Retirement Companion

Choosing a rescue dog for your golden years living depends on the dog breeds you can adopt as your retirement companion.

No matter what kind of dog you are looking for, guaranteed there is one that needs rescuing!

As dog lovers, growing older doesn’t deter us from wanting a furry companion in our life! In fact, many senior citizens prefer to have the company of a dog, rather than to be without.

Unfortunately, some breeds can be high maintenance, requiring frequent grooming, medications, or exercise, which can be too cumbersome for some retired folk. Luckily, we know of a few low maintenance breeds that make excellent retirement pals!

Here are 10 breeds of dogs that are the ultimate retirement companions.

These breeds are low maintenance, well mannered, and the perfect companions for retiring dog lovers!

#1. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire terrier for retiree

Yorkshire Terriers are generally higher maintenance than some of the other dogs we have mentioned, but their size makes them ideal furry friends for elderly people.

They do require grooming, but not much, as they don’t usually weigh more than 10 lbs, and are considered to be hypo-allergenic.

Yorkshire Terriers are lower energy dogs but do require daily exercise. Fortunately, they are small enough that a short walk can tire them out!

#2. Lhasa Apso

Lhasa-apso dog for retiree

Lhasa Apsos are historically lap dogs, giving them the appeal of being very low energy. These dogs are master nappers, like greyhounds, and enjoy hanging out with their companions indoors.

Lhasas do require some grooming but can be fitted with short haircuts to lower risk of tangling. They are happy to go for short walks when the weather is cooler, or even just to be carried around outside for a while.

These dogs are generally well mannered, and low key, making them great companions for senior citizens.

#3. Bichon Frise

bichon-frise dog for retiree

Bichon Frises are the most common dogs among elderly people, as their coats are seemingly hypo-allergenic. This means that the dogs rarely shed. Bichons are popular purse dogs and require little physical exercise.

They do need to be groomed, and are well known for “eye gunk” or “tear stains,” but they are much lower maintenance than many breeds.

Bichons can be quiet and timid with the right owners, but it’s important to discourage frequent barking. They tend to get a bad reputation for “yapping!”

#4. French Bulldog

french bulldog for retiree

French bulldogs are similar to Pugs in the sense that they can be low maintenance, so long as they are healthy. These dogs are prone to health issues but are otherwise easy to care for. They don’t eat much, and rarely need to be groomed.

They also are not able to participate in strenuous physical activities and are usually best in homes that can provide up to 15 minutes of exercise per day.

French Bulldogs are fairly even tempered, and can be incredibly entertaining for their human companions!

#5. Welsh Terrier

Welsh terrier for retiree

Welsh Terriers are slightly more active than the other dogs we have mentioned, but are great pets for seniors who still wish to explore.

These dogs enjoy their downtime but are still very many terriers at heart. They hardly shed, and are considered to be fairly low-allergenic.

Welsh Terriers are low maintenance, and a lot of fun for kids to play fetch with!

See Also:W hat Simon Cowell really loves enjoy doing with his adopted dogs

More best dog breeds as retirement companion.